31 May 2008

It never meant for us this time

Our journey to defend MCOBA Futsal title was cut short in the quarter final. We were beaten to a better team with quite a big margin 0-3. It wasnt meant for us this time. Even in the first round matches we ended only with 1 win and 2 draws. The 2 draws were with our regular rivals; Class of 97 and Class of 95 that ended 1-1 and 0-0 respectively. Both was a close match that can go any way but indeed we survived as the runner up at group stage.
The stats also shown that our attacking have been in decline. With only 2 goals in 3 games and both came from Zef ( a defender) showed that a lot has to be improved in coming days in order for us to get back on track for next year tourney. I wish we could start early this time and perhaps get ourselves familiarise with few 'setpieces'. At least, these setpieces could be our 'weapon' to survive a more faster and physical games which involve younger teams.
Anyways, the damage has been done. No need to cry me a river. Start fresh for next year, we will be back stronger and budwiser :)
As the pressure has been put off; now i can sleep tight-er. *sigh*

utk makluman lanjut sila ke pautan ini

x champion back in 2007 after winning the tourney.
picture courtesy mr manager

30 May 2008

another champion in waiting?! Keep my fingers crossed...

Last year we were crowned as MCOBA's champion.
and tomorrow we will get the chance to defend the title..
with most of the players still in the team.. i will keep my faith on us.
see u tmrw, guys

28 May 2008

am i just not good looking?!

"sometimes the right person comes right in front of your eyes, you don't even know it"
Ok, this is not my original line to begin with. I re-quote from one of my favourite tv show then; smallville on episode 19 of season one.
..Lana went into the Kent's home only to find Clark in the kitchen. She were there to pick up something from Martha. They ended up with a conversation. Lana asked how' s everything going between Clark and Chloe. Clark replied that maybe there's something between them and he think they might go beyond just friend. It saddened Lana by the look on her face but she was very much try to hide it before she hit this punchline...
For those who are seeking love... maybe this is one good line to begin with. who knows your ladyluck?
after all i did mine on one pretty lady and we ended up being together... :D
"dont fall in love... RISE in LOVE"
...am i just not good looking?! *wink*wink*

20 May 2008

TDM's UMNO resignation: the repercussions

Many would thought yesterday's event is a finale curtain for UMNO's existence in Malaysia (read: Tanah Melayu). People were confused and surprised by the latest action of TDM whom ppl recognised as a man of full surprises.
I'm also wondering; is this an act to get sympathy votes? or is it a genuine act from someone who totally lost faith in UMNO under Paklah leadership? I hope the action was not unintentionally done only due to one person request on the floor for Tun to quit. I am very sure the action taken is a calculated risk on TDM behalf.
Whatever being said and done; it has written again in history that another former UMNO president left the party. Pity. Whether his action speaks volume we could only understand in many days to come.
Without doubt, i will look this event in two different perceptives.
Act 1
TDM resignation will create a domino effect nationwide. More big names (esp. those who doesnt hold any position) to follow suit. Ordinary members who were saddened with the way UMNO dealt w TDM also will withdraw. UMNO MP esp from Sabah will take the opportunity to jump ship and left UMNO totally vulnerable for DSAI and konco2 to take over the reign of Federal Govt. Paklah will hold crisis talk and call for a snap election. Looking at Malay issue and Malay unity being jeopardised, Malay votes will swing back to UMNO to protect Malays rights and UMNO will be saved.
Act 2
TDM action only unites UMNO members to be behind the current leaderships. TDM is already past his prime and it is best to pledge support to the current leaderships until the next party election where UMNO members get the chance to vote the right leader for them. UMNO Sabah will never question about their rights anymore as most important at this moment is to see the best for the party. There will be no more talks on party hopping. DSAI effort to bring 30 over MP to crossover will be no avail.
whatever the repercussion, it seems already evident that it will in the end benefitted UMNO and I wonder is this a calculated risk or one sacrifice to the party he loved?
"Kita bukan soldadu yang perlu dikorbankan, tetapi jadilah soldadu yang memberi pengorbanan"
Terima kasih Tun, kerana sanggup berkorban.

TDM's UMNO resignation : What i have to say?

TDM announced his resignation here and this is how i responded in his weblog;
"Salam Tun,
seperti mana yang saya nukilkan di weblog Datuk AKJ, ingin juga saya katakan di sini. Apapun 'kejutan' yang Tun lakukan ini biarlah adalah satu tindakan 'calculated risk' demi memartabatkan kembali maruah bangsa yang sedikit tercalar.
Saya percaya sebelum ini sudah puas Tun mencuba dengan cara berlembut ibarat 'tarik rambut di dalam tepung'.. Sayang, pembesar negara cukup liat untuk menerima teguran2 Tun. Mungkin itulah yang dikatakan 'dugaan nikmat' yang Tuhan berikan.. Bukan semua pemimpin spt Tun, sanggup turun kuasa ketika masih popular.
Apa jua persengketaan antara Tun dan PM, janganlah tempelaknya itu terkena tempias kepada rakyat. Saya akan lebih sedih apabila keadaan itu berlaku.. lebih sedih dari pengunduran Tun ini dan lebih lagi sedih dari kekalahan UMNO pada PRU yg lepas. Saya pohon ada hikmah dari pengunduran Tun ini demi perpaduan melayu seluruhnya.
UMNO mungkin akan menjadi seperti GOLKAR di Indonesia, Congress di India mahupun koumintang di Taiwan. Peralihan kuasa dan pemulihan pendekatan merupakan cara terbaik utk menyelamatkan UMNO. Saya kira ini adalah pengorbanan Tun utk UMNO 1946 dan juga UMNO baru 88. Yang pasti menarik perhatian saya.. setiap 10 tahun masa berlalu UMNO pasti akan bergolak.. adakah 2008 akan menjadi titik penyudahan UMNO? atau UMNO mampu untuk terus bertahan hingga ke 2018?"

19 May 2008

TDM quits UMNO; for now

It came as a shock when news flash within the net and smses that Tun Dr Mahathir (TDM) has quit UMNO, for now. He announced his resignation from UMNO during a meeting with fellow Kedahans. For someone who is so surprising, this would be an ultimate surprise from him. I wonder how many more would dare to replicate his action. 5...100, even 1000 UMNO members? We shall wait and see.

from rocky's bru - Sanusi Junid, the former MB of Kedah, someone who is very close linked to TDM in his latest crusade has also resigned from UMNO. Wohoo.. interesting.

Most of the prime bloggers has the report on TDM latest action. You could read it here , here and at Datuk Kadir Jasin.
I could only share my views on this latest event through my comment on AKJ's Blog
as the followings:

"Salam Dato AKJ,

Tindakan TDM kali ini begitu drastik dan mengejutkan. Namun pada hemat saya, adalah menjadi kebiasaan bagi TDM untuk melakukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan dalam usaha beliau mencapai sesuatu.

Saya amat berharap tindakan drastik beliau kali ini merupakan satu tindakan "calculated risk" agar apa jua yang dicitakan oleh beliau akan tercapai; walaupun tidak sepenuhnya, tetapi biarlah mesej itu jelas sehingga ke pucuk pimpinan UMNO.

Saya amat risau sekiranya tindakan beliau ini hanya dianggap sebagai 'tindakan menagih simpati seorang bekas pimpinan UMNO' oleh pembesar2 UMNO yang setia dibelakang PM malah mungkin ada yang lebih berani mengandaikan TDM sudah dihujung waktu dalam perjuangannya.

Namun begitu di satu sudut, perkiraan TDM ini mungkin akan memberi kemenangan moral kepada DSAI dalam usahanya menjatuhkan kerajaan BN yang sudah menjadi kucar kacir sekaligus mendapat majoriti mudah utk mendirikan kerajaan PR di bawah pimpinannya dalam waktu terdekat ini. Maka bekas mentornya, TDM wajar diberi ucapan terima kasih kerana membantu mempercepat usaha DSAI itu.

Di satu sudut pula, kelibat ahli-ahli UMNO yang selama ini bergantung harapan kepada UMNO sebagai wadah perjuangan akan keliru dan sedih dengan tindakan TDM ini. Mereka pasti dalam keadaan dilemma samada perlu mengambil tindakan yang serupa atau sebaliknya. Jgnlah hendaknya kerana pertembungan kepimpinan ini (TDM vs PM) rakyat yang tidak bersalah juga akan terkena tempelaknya.

Yang pasti tindakan TDM ini akan mengundang 1001 persoalan. Adakah Datuk Mukhriz akan mengikut jejak langkah ayahnya? Bagaimana reaksi Tengku Razaleigh dalam perkembangan terbaru ini? Adakah pendakwaan terhadap TDM berkenaan kes lantikan hakim akan dipercepatkan memandangkan TDM bukan lagi 'liabiliti' kepada UMNO? Siapakah yang akan mendapat "ketawa terakhir"(the last laugh)?
Senario politik Malaysia terutamanya UMNO memang tidak pernah lari dari kontroversi setiap 10 tahun semenjak penubuhan UMNO baru 1988. Ini merupakan satu pattern yang amat menarik perhatian..."

12 May 2008

selamat hari ibu buat mu, mak

Buat ibu di seluruh dunia, ketahuilah hari ini setiap anakmu walau di mana pun mereka berada pasti terdetik ingatan mengenangkan setiap saat bersamamu.

Tanpa dirimu,
Kami hilang tanpa tujuan, kami pasti tak punya pegangan.

Terima kasih, mak.

Selamat hari ibu

11 May 2008

Re:My Money is My Money; Please just Shoosh Away

The Manager,
See, I am aBee Bank Berhad
Menara Dayabumi
Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin
50460 Kuala Lumpur
The matter above is referred.
2. I was quite annoyed when one of your banker requested me to fill a form asking where I get my money from (yes, I do have lots of money in my account, these days) and where I intended to put it into; during my 'hari bersama See, I am aBee bank' the other day.

3. I am saying this loud and clear. "hellloooo....since when did you guys care enough?!"

4. Just because I wanted to withdraw a large sum of money from my account, I repeat my personal account, (nama dalam account sama dgn nama dalam I/C tau!) doesn't mean I am a daylight robber aka penyangak wang. I just wished your banker didnt mess with me that day because I was so in hurry to make more money!!
5. As a responsible citizen, I know what is money laundering, and what money laundering could do to the economy of our country. I can assure you Mr Manager, my money will go to a legal financial investor and if the economy is healthy, I will get some capital appreciations from the money I withdrawn from you.
6. Then I will return the money to your See, I am aBee bank so that you also could gain some interest from my cash deposit later. Deal?! Good. So Mr Manager, please ask your staff to stop bugging me. Your immediate action to this matter is highly appreciated. Thank you.
Yours Truly,
Encik Pencinta Duitan

6 May 2008

serious, you just cant please everybody

i couldnt remember who actually put this line.. (i think it was quoted by billy cosby from the COSBY SHOW)

He said;
"boy, i can tell you 1000 ways to be successful but the only way to failure is when you try to please everyone.."

so listen ppl, listen govt, listen media, listen listen listen...
you just cant please everyone so just stop being one!
there will be dissatisfaction along the line but if your conscience is clear, please keep up the good work.
people will always be people. As long their own benefit is not fulfilled, they will keep shouting. ergh!

4 May 2008

Another marriage in the house.

Last nite, two of my batchmate got married. One had his 'akad' while the other had his wedding reception. I attended one in Shah Alam while the other has to wait till next week. "sorry, abg jigo.. i see u at your place in Bangi, ok... ;)"
I was made to do emceeing for my fellow comrade, en azizi aka bunyok and his lovely wife, pn siti nor aminah aka Amy. They were 2 lovely couple who later will be my neighbour once i move permanently to Shah Alam.
To become the emcee for a friend's wedding is an honour for me. (This is my 2nd as i did my 1st to another mcobs, en Abdullah Hussein aka Bachin way back in 2004, was it?!)
And i was hoping to get a third; just enough to close my book on emceeing and start some other things on weddings. Usher maybe, or a floor manager and best of all just sheer guest.
my other half is my number 1 critics. She said my style of emceeing kind of boring and unnatural.. ohh please, dar. What u expect from a 'part time' better known bidan terjun MC like me?! I am a total script freak who would never dare to do impromptu, you know?. Give me a break, dar. I know it is kind of formal, but i just dont have such a sense of humour afterall..
and when i start freaking out, i tend to lost word and 'tersasul'.. haha. Maybe i shud start an emcee lesson with a pro.. hoping dont have to bayar the 'pengeras' otherwise i'll be doomed.
man in action

the wedding of azizi & amy

early birds

the usual suspects not the usual...

my biggest critics......................... at her relax mode. :P

btw, this posting also a testimony of my new purchased tamron lense 15-50mm f2.8 three days ago. I thot the event would be the right moment to see how my new toy 's doing. So far it never fail me but it failed my other half who did most of the capturing.. so now who's talking?! bluek...

p/s: the tamron lense seem to face minor adjustment problem with my nikon body. I need to do further testing on other platform and environment. I hope it won't dissapoint me.
after a straight lecture on my performance... it always good to end the day with a cup of latte and updates on EPL. yes.

1 May 2008

ayah, you shud start with your autobiography la. :)

Listening to ayah's account on stuff happened around him in the past could be very thrilling. All these stories were shared in a very cordial manner. Recalling bits by bits events that occured and made him the person he is now. Gosh.. it's really quite a memories.
Sometimes, I kinda part of it as well; offering some facts and figures especially the years and date as he, himself had lost count on so many occasions. :) this is one of the time i could see him smiling all the way. Sharing some of his memories in politics to friends and acquaintances is a worthy coffee table chat. I wouldnt dare to say but i believe he is trying to get myself interested with politics as well. Yeah, rite.. after all Kemana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi. :P
We have seen 2nd generation politicians raise from respectives family the likes of Tun Razak, Tun Hussein and Tun Mahathir. Even in the opposite side, we have anwar's family, Lim Kit Siang's as well as Karpal's. This 2nd generation have come in to continue the preceding political glory , and hopefully they will not come in to build a dynasty but to prolong one's legacy.
I do enjoy listening to ayah's story. I would say spending time with ayah at dining table is one of my happiest moment with him.. this is when we could talk on so many things. Those days it would be a short 30 minutes.. talking to him whilst he finished his office workload. And he wouldnt give much attention due to his devotion to work. typical ayah!
but now, it is different. We could talk business, next trip to langkawi or even talk about his latest nokia phone as long as we can.