27 February 2009

Hey world...

my princess in her magic cuppa!

Hey world..
Today is my beloved milla's birthday.
Yup.. she is a year wiser and older .
yes, she put an extra pounds here and there.
of course, she snores ( dont you?!)
nevertheless..  my love is always hers.
that, you could never take away from me...

Saat Indah bersama

Happy besday sayanG!

p/s: My apologies. I have to postpone your birthday gift. 
        You tak marah, kan?!  :)


Syigim said...

so shhweet!

happy birthday dear milla... :)

Shawl Half Moon said...

hehe thankiu sayangku..mg berbahagie berbunge sepanjang hayat kite ;) love..